BYU(Brigham Young University)について

MBAスクール 第20位
LAWスクール 第31位

■ 2010年度 SP式速読授業を受けた生徒の感想
I was really impressed with all of the science behind speed-reading. I feel like I learned a lot and would like to continue learning. As far as suggestions, nothing comes to mind. (Shurira Nate)
I think my reading speed improved after only a couple hours so I really wish I could do more! It would be nice to be able to read faster so I can save time. Just as important to me thought is the ability to remember what I read. (Joy Palmer)
I think learning how to expand my vision was a good skill that I didn't even know one could develop. I didn't believe I could speed read but I improved in a short time so I'm sure I could more. The lecture about how speeding works and how the brain and eyes work was most interesting. (Timothy Allen)
■ 2006年度 SP式速読授業概要・シラバス
Jun Tachibana Instructor
Speed Reading Class
Summer Semester 2006 1:00pm daily

1. To make eyes which allow you to read fast.
You will stretch your "reading span."
You will move your eyes quickly.
2. To increase ability to recognize many words quickly.
All information or knowledge is kept in "long-term memory."
You will practice searching out words from your "long-term memory."
3. To experience the "interchange effect"
You will look at phrases on the computer at high speed.
This stimulates your brain to work quicker than before.
4. To read some texts as one chunk.
You will practice grouping several lines in one glance.
When you can understand those lines, your reading speed will increase.
5. To improve your memory.
You will keep information longer in your brain by image training.
The method of Speed & Power Reading(= SPR) is invented by Jun Tachibana.
He has published many books relating to the speed-reading method and human memory system. His methods for speed reading and improving memory are useful for effective study today. He was also doing research of human memory system based on cognitive psychology. He has been inspired may times with regard to capability of human brain. One of ways he received inspirations was through his dream. He says he had dreamed more than 100days. His stuff also contributed for creating SPR's unique training methods.
While you are reading a book, various processes are carried out in your head.
1. When seeing a word, this information is sent to your brain.
2. Then, the word is transformed into a sound.
3. Your brain starts searching the word in the "long-term memory."
4. Like the similar manner, your brain searches in the "long-term memory" to
understand the grammar of a sentence in which the word is used
5. Now you understand the context.
6. Then, you can memorize the contents of the sentence.
You can also think deeply about what the author claims.
These processes are taking place in your head.
There is a part in your brain, called "the working memory."
The "working memory" controls most of these processes.
However, its working capacity is limited.
Due to this limitation, sometimes you cannot understand or memorize.
This makes you go back to where you have already read, and read it again.
There is a solution to this problem.
The answer is automating your cognitive skills in reading.
This means that your brain does some processes unconsciously.
Some features of automatic processing are quick and exact, and no effort is needed.
Touch typing is one example.
When you repeat these processes in the head, and receive our SPR trainings,
you can expect to gain this automation in your head.
Perform eye training every day (about 10minutes).
Speed Reading Skill
Mnemonic system
Increasing your reading speed (3~5times faster)
Improve your memory capacity(2~3times more)
Classroom for Mon. Wed. Fri: B140
Classroom for Tue, Thurs: B013
Training will be repeated according to the students' progress.
June 26. Introduction. Exam.
June 27. at lab. Automatical word search (step 1). Word image.
June 28. Train eye muscle. Increase the speed of eye motion.
Stretch the reading span (step 1).
June 29. at lab. Rapid word recognition. Phrase reading.
June 30. at lab. Stretch the reading span (step 2). Slide reading.
July 3. Measure the amount of words and sentences that are memorized.
July 5. Tongue twister. Text imaging.
July 6. at lab. Automatical word search(step 2). Phrase reading (step 2)
July 7. Exam phrase reading (step 3).
July 10. Point finger reading (step 1).
July 11. at lab. Sentence reading (step 1).
July 12. Movie image.
July 13. at lab. Sentence reading (step 2).
July 14. Point finger reading (step 2).
July 17. Speed reading application (step 1).
July 18. at lab. Speed reading application (step 2).
July 19. Exam. Speed reading development (step 1).
July 20. at lab. Scanning.
July 21. Reading comprehension keywords (step 1).
July 25. Reading comprehension keywords (step 2).
July 26. Reading comprehension keywords (step 3).
July 27. at lab. Reading comprehension application.
July 28. Exam. Reading ability test.
July 31. Image-connection method.
August 1. at lab. Body-connection method. Place-connection method.
August 2. Initial method.
August 3. at lab. Brainstorming.
August 4. Brain map (step 1).
August 7. Brain map (step 2).
August 8. at lab. Chinese character mnemonic system (step 1).
August 9. Chinese character mnemonic system (step 2).
August 10. at lab. Chinese character mnemonic system (step 3).
August 11. Speed reading development (step 2).
August 14. Speed reading higher grade (step 1).
August 15. at lab. Speed reading higher grade (step 2).
August 16. Final Exam.